Terms & Conditions
1. The ticket holder agrees and acknowledges the Southland Racing Club will not issue any refund for any payment made or permit exchanges or on-selling of tickets under any circumstances without the prior permission of Southland Racing Club.
2. Southland Racing Club will not accept any responsibility for lost, stolen or misplaced tickets.
Southland Racing Club reserves the right to charge for the replacement of tickets issued.
3. Correct ticketing must always be displayed and/or on request. Failure to comply will result in entry being refused or removal from the venue.
4. The issue of tickets to a particular facility does not permit entry to any other private facility. However, you may access and utilize public areas.
5. The serving and consumption of alcohol is subject to Liquor Licensing laws and requirements. The ticket holder must ensure that no alcohol or any Beverages is brought into the facilities or removed from the facilities without the prior approval of the Southland Racing Club.
. Southland Racing Club reserves the right to vary, add, withdraw, or substitute advertised
programmes, menus, venues, seating arrangements and/or facilities at any time.
7. Some venues are exposed to the weather. In such cases, no alternative facilities are available in the event of unfavourable weather.
8. No ticket holder may display or erect any signage within the facilities without the prior written
consent of the Southland Racing Club. No use of adhesives can be used on Marquees due to damage; no non-colourfast materials can be used to decorate your Marquee; you will be liable for any damage to marquees.
9.If any part of an event including, without limitation, a race meeting, is cancelled, abandoned or
postponed, in whole or in part, due to adverse weather or for any other reason beyond Southland
Racing Club's control, there is no right to a refund or exchange and no obligation is assumed by
Southland Racing Club for the arrangement of a substituted event, ticketing, performance or any other
10. All representations and warranties, whether express or implied, are excluded to the maximum
extent permitted by law.
11. The ticket-holder releases & indemnifies Southland Racing Club from & against, and Southland
Racing Club will not be liable for, any claims, demands, actions, suits or proceedings, costs,
expenses, losses, damages arising out of or otherwise in connection with use of the tickets or any
facilities to which the tickets relate by the ticketholder or his or her agents, employees invitees and/or
12. Minors. This is an R18 event. Minors may only attend this event if they have pre-registered with
the Southland Racing Club on the nature they are on the premises to accompany jockeys. No person under the age of 18 years may be sold or supplied alcohol at this event. If you look under 25, always carry age ID with you – you will be asked for it. Suitable proof of age identification will be required at point of entry and at bar points of sale.
13. Payment confirms acceptance and understanding of these Terms & Conditions.
Marquee Hire
Terms & Conditions
Between Southland Racing Club AND (The Hirer/Client)
All bookings are subject to the following terms and conditions. This marquee agreement is for all marquees/equipment that is hired from the Southland Racing Club.
The client hires from the Southland Racing Club everything agreed upon in the online booking form.
The price payable for each marquee (and furniture) is agreed to on the booking form. Payment to be
made at time of booking, for the use of the marquee. If full amount is not paid then your marquee will be on sold.
The duration of hire is from the time the Southland Racing Clubs opens its gates for general entry to
30 minutes after the last race of the day.
The hirer is liable for any loss or damage to the marquee and the associated furniture provided to the hirer, including as a result of the hirer's wilful act, omission, or negligence. The Southland Racing Club will charge the hirer for any damage or missing items.
In the instance the marquees require extraordinary cleaning (to be determined at the Clubs reasonable discretion) after use, the hirer will be liable to pay for the cost of that cleaning. This includes vomit and extreme levels of rubbish and food.
All Leftover Food items with be discarded on clean up.
While every effort will be made to hire the marquees to the hirer, it may be subject to cancellation by beyond the club’s control. In these circumstances there shall be no liability to the hirer other than any refunds in accordance with clause 7.
In the event that a race or races are abandoned during a race meeting for which the hirer has hired the marquees, the following refunds will be provided excluding processing fees:
The Club will have 2 designated staff members to manage the hiring of marquees. The hirer shall
contact the designated marquee staff immediately if there is anything wrong or if they have any questions.
The hirer will comply with any instructions and rules set by the club or the designated marquee staff.
Your marquee comes with 3 walls – Only the designated marquee team can remove or put-up walls –please ask them if you like any walls removed or put up, and they will do it for you. In respect of the marquees, no alterations should be made to the position of the main support poles; base plates were used or ropes. In particular, the support piles should never be moved or lifted.
Please have fun but respect your neighbours. Loud music or behaviour that my offend others is not allowed.
The Club reserves the right to evict anyone at any time for any reason. If you are asked to leave for offensive behaviour, there is no refund.
Please do not smoke in your marquee. No naked flames or barbecues may be used in the marquee.
At the end of the day, please put all your rubbish in the nearby rubbish bins and help us keep this event tidy.
We would like to keep all areas/grounds as tidy as possible throughout the whole day.
As an Health and Safety/ Fire Safety requirement, The Merry Mini and Merry Maxi Marquee fully furnished packages, tickets are limited to the advertised size of the Marquee.
BYO furniture of large proportions is not allowed without permission from S.R.C before set-up.
Private Arrangement of catering for you Marquee must follow on course traffic management plan.
S.R.C is not liable for any property left on the course before or after the event.
No Entry on Saturday 16th is allowed before Gates open.
Alcohol returns – Please adhere to the Beverage purchase form.
Cancellation of Marquees by Marquee holder will not be refunded after the 30th of September 2023